Monday, September 4, 2023

Waste Not Want Not, and Make Do and Mend


Another colourful breakfast straight from the garden to my plate in less than 10 minutes.

Oh gosh that was tasty, although I need to remember that those yellow tomatoes cook so much faster than the red ones, they were on the point of dissolving.  Just two tomatoes, one large spring onion and a sprinkle of garlic granules on two of my 'tipped over' slices of bread toasted.

When our last tenant moved out of the Welsh flat he left a lot of kitchen bits in the wheelie bin and amongst them was this lovely old tin.  This is it after I gave it a good clean with a brillo pad.  It was in a bit of a state before.

I'm trying to make my mind up whether it's a genuine old Betty Crocker tin or a more modern replica.  It does feel like it has some age about it.  Whatever the answer is I have decided that I'm keeping it, just because I like it.

And because 'Waste Not Want Not' and 'Make Do and Mend' are the wartime mantras that I am living my life by.  

Sue xx


  1. That does look like a really nice baking tray. I'm glad you rescued it and will be keeping it. :)

    1. It just feels good, and I do like to rescue old items. :-)

  2. Previous tenant of my flat left an oval Pyrex dish, full of dirty "dripping" in the cupboard. That was 1977 & I am still using it regularly!

    1. Oh gosh, I remember doing something similar ... my ex-husband must have that, or maybe not, his second wife through out everything I had ever touched!!

  3. Replies
    1. It's a real 'feel good' way of doing things isn't it. I absolutely hate waste.

  4. Garden tomatoes are just so, so delicious. I love them when they go all soft like your yellow ones - the flavour is just so intense.

    I was slicing up my latest loaf this morning and thinking of that old way of slicing you wrote about. I tried one or two slices and, yes, they were much thinner, too thin for what I wanted really. What I do with the heels is cube them, loosely freeze them and then I have croutons all ready to bake and crisp up when I want them. No waste there either.
    But I did think that maybe next time I will 'finger slice' the ends, freeze them and than I can crisp bake a few for a dippy egg or for hummus or something like that.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. The flavour of my homegrown tomatoes is just getting better and better with this late burst of really hot weather.

      That's a good way of doing croutons, I usually bake them and then store them, meaning I have to plan a meal that needs the oven on for them to go into, doing it your way means they can wait until the oven is on ... a much better way round.

    2. To be honest, I finish them off in the air fryer as needed - five minutes max! xx

  5. Well done on saving the baking tin when it really just needed a good clean. Your grilled tomatoes sound very Mediterranean and look delicious. Catriona

    1. Hopefully it will get cleaner and cleaner each time I wash it, I didn't want to carry on scrubbing with a second Brillo pad. Oh the tomatoes were lovely, I just do them in the frying pan and they are ready in minutes.

  6. It would be a shame to ditch the lovely tin. After all, you can always line it with baking parchment so that nothing sticks to it ever again :)

    1. Yes, that's what I will be doing. I have a lovely big roll of baking parchment and also one of foil so I have the makings of many linings of the tin for the next couple of years. :-)


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