Monday, September 18, 2023

First Thing on a Monday Morning


First thing on a Monday morning I am trying to get into the habit of checking through the previous week's menu plan, ticking off what I did eat and noting what I didn't use up.  Then I try and make those missed off items the first thing that I use on the following week's plan, especially anything that has been in the fridge for a few days.

Then I look in the fridge to double check that yes they are actually there and see what else I have that needs using.  I still have lots of vegetables that I want to use up this week if possible, but luckily everything seems to be in good condition at the moment.

Then using the freezer inventory I did a couple of weeks ago I start to plan out the meals, just roughly on a piece of paper.

Then I give myself a break from that and weigh out the new weeks rations.

I have found ... much to my surprise ... that I use only about one and a half ounces of instant coffee each week, I honestly thought I drank a lot more than that.  Maybe that amount will go up a bit now that the cooler weather seems to be here to stay, we'll see.  But even if it does I have my 2oz a week and the build up of all the extra half ounces that I haven't used, and I have not touched the first month's extra monthly ration of 4oz.

I'm going to have to switch to a bigger jar soon if I carry on having a backlog!!

Now that I have used a good proportion of my sugar for the Compost Heap Jelly I made last week, this weeks ration fitted into the jar easily.

One good thing came out of my search of the kitchen for the jelly bag for straining the fruit ... I found a stash of Love Hearts in one of my enamel containers.  It seems that I can have five packets for my 2oz sweetie ration.  😁

Week Six - Weekly Food Rations

Once everything is weighed I take a photo for the records and then get everything put away.

This is the first week that I am not taking an egg as part of my ration and I have instead chosen to take fish for the next few weeks.  So two veggie sausages instead of one egg, as has been the norm for the first five weeks, and a fish portion instead of the other.  The idea of this is that it will give  me a nice protein rich simple meal.  

This may be re-evaluated in the coming weeks as if I am trying to keep my food spend down this isn't really helping.  Fish is pretty expensive ... and quite rightly so ... and it would make up a large percentage of my £10 per week budget.   I will have to have a look through my cupboard and see what tinned fish I have in.  Although in reality tinned fish was only available through the points system during the war years, however, I may be lenient with myself to use up any reserves that I already have in as wartime housewives would have done ... we'll see.

Some things take a bit of thinking about!  🤔

Anyway after all the menu planning and weighing out it was time for my breakfast, and as per this weeks menu plan this was porridge ... and a well earned cup of coffee.

My Menu Plan for Week Six

Sue xx


  1. I stocked up on a bit of fish too, Sue. Some smoked haddock pieces and salmon pieces, misshapes but still good fish. I have frozen them in small portions. I made kedgeree for dinner with a bit of haddock for flavour, two eggs from our hens to add protein, and green vegetables padded out the little bit of rice.
    I cooked it in the steamer over just one small gas ring, the fish between two plates at the top.

    1. Oh I've not had kedgeree for years, what a good idea for the rationing type meal for me, thank you. xx

  2. Very nice menu. I eat a bit of fish once a week at least for the oils they contain.

    God bless.

    1. That was one of the reasons I wanted to keep it in my diet regularly. Tinned fish is especially good for our bones too, which is something I definitely need.

  3. Looks like a very good meal plan to me. I just finished making my meal plan for the week and it's mostly leftovers! Fish is expensive, here, too (in the US). I tend to eat canned fish for the most part, but, the occasional fresh fish is a treat!

    1. I love making my meals around the leftovers I have and giving the fridge a good clear out at the same time. Yes, canned fish is slightly cheaper and also actually healthier in some ways isn't it. xx

  4. That menu plan looks brilliant, Sue, you're managing to incorporate a fair amount of veggies every day. I can't believe it's week 6 already 👍

    1. I'm doing quite well with my veggies for once aren't I, hopefully it will continue. :-)
      I know six weeks, it has rushed by for me. xx

  5. It all looks remarkably tasty and varied. Thank goodness any 'difficulties' are self imposed and not because the produce is not available. xx

    1. Yes, exactly that. It makes you sit back and realise just how very lucky we are in this country and at this time that so much is available to us.

      It also make me sad in lots of ways that there is too much choice. Do we really need all of that choice, I think not. We are simply lining a lot of processed food producers pockets and ruining the planet by flying foods all across the world so we can eat out of season. I'll jump off my soap box now. ;-)

  6. I love reading what meals you are making with your rations, you are doing such an amazing job and I can't believe it's 6 weeks already!

    1. Time really is passing by so quickly at the moment isn't it, it doesn't feel like six weeks to me either!!


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