Saturday, September 2, 2023

Potato Recipes - Colcannon


The other day when I was talking about potatoes Jayne mentioned Colcannon, and funnily enough it was something that I had been thinking of making.  

Colcannon is a traditional Irish dish, along the lines of our English Bubble and Squeak and is brilliant for using up leftovers, especially of mashed potatoes ... something that I now nearly always have in my fridge.

I looked for recipes of it online and found this great variation from Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall, I may try it this way next time.  

Mine, however was much simpler and I just mixed about half a pound of leftover mash with three shredded and then steamed Savoy cabbage leaves and a couple of finely sliced Spring Onions from the Victory Garden.  A splash of milk was added and stirred through and then it was all tipped into a slightly oiled pan and left to heat up slowly while I washed the pots and brought the washing in off the line.

It didn't look that pretty when I turned it out, but by gosh it tasted nice with the Bisto gravy.  

It did need the gravy as I don't think I had seasoned it enough ... I'll know better next time, and yes there will be a next time, this is another keeper to the wartime rationing repertoire.  I need to make a list of favourite meals in my rationing notebook.

Sue xx


  1. It looks good! I've never had this particular dish, but, maybe it'll be something to try!

    1. It needs a bit of seasoning but it's very tasty and filling. 🙂

  2. Looks gorgeous and glad you enjoyed it. Catriona

    1. It was lovely, and definitely going to stay on my menu. 🙂

  3. Oh my, now I'm hungry. One of my favourite childhood dinners was bubble and squeak. I bought potatoes this week that, whilst OK ish for baking and roast, just boiled to mush. A friend told me to microwave them instead of boiling and they mashed beautifully.

    1. It's surprising how differently various types of potatoes cook isn't it. 🙂

  4. It looks really delicious. Potato is such a great basis for a hearty meal. xx

    1. It seems to be the basis for most of my meals at the moment. 😂

  5. Drooling again at your meals Sue:) I'm late reading your last few posts and how terrific your meals are♥ I had baked beans for breakfast the other day and thought of you, these days I like my baked beans on the side of the toast as I find the toast gets too soggy. I put a teaspoon of baked beans on the toast before I eat it, how weird:) Have a great week

    1. Having them on the side of the toast rather than on it is a good idea, the soggy toast is not as good as the crunchy edges that for sure. I do do that occasionally, but mostly I just forget and tip the beans out right onto my toast. You're not weird, just sensible ... although I doubt I would use a teaspoon. ;-)


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