Monday, October 2, 2023

New Month, New Points, New Rations


So, here we are a new month and my second 'official' month on rations and a new twenty points to spend ... and this is what I chose to spend them on this month.

First I had looked at what was left over from my first months rations ... a little rice, most of my lentils, pasta and dried fruit and about a serving and a half of oats.  Not a bad starting point and then I chose the supplies in the top photo

I played fair and just had one sleeve of the 'Weetabix' biscuits.  During the war years this was the size of the cardboard pack ... just twelve biscuits ... so it seemed a bit excessive to take thirty six.  The remaining packs will be in the cupboard for the next points spend.

Then it was time to sort out the Monthly rations.

This month I have decided to take a pack of two 'No Chicken Kyivs' from Aldi instead of the egg ration. As mentioned on the last post, each month I will choose one meat-free replacement for the eggs.  There is also a surprise item in this month's choice!!

At the start of my rationing journey I had decided to take 4oz of instant coffee in place of the jar of Camp Coffee that I could have had during the war years.  I really thought that I would need this to pad out the 2oz that I have each week on the weekly rations, but ... I have not touched this at all.  The two ounces that I get each week has been more than enough, and as you can see from the jar behind the monthly ration jar, my supply has been steadily building every week with each 2oz top up.

So I have decided that I will swap this 'coffee allowance' each month for something from my food cupboard, just as if I bought it and swapped it with a coffee loving neighbour during the war years.  This months swap choice is a jar of Mayonnaise.

And finally ... the Weekly Rations.

6oz Butter
3oz Cheese
2oz Oil
1 litre Almond Milk
2oz Coffee
8oz Sugar
4oz Vegan Sausages 
*Fish Fingers instead of the £3.50 Meat ration
2oz Sweets.

Somehow this all feels so much more logical.

*Officially as they only cost me £1.75 I still have another £1.75 to spend, but I think I will leave it for this week and think a little more carefully about what I choose to buy with my £3.50 next week.

And of course, don't forget I have all the non-rationed vegetables and fruit in the fridge and freezer to bulk out the monthly and weekly rationed foods.  Including some homegrown tomatoes and potatoes from the Victory Garden.

Sue xx


  1. You're working all this out really well Sue, I like the idea of swapping the excess coffee for mayo (or whatever else you want/need). Yes, I'm sure neighbours/friends/family would have swapped things with each other, stands to reason. The older I get, the more I want to live and eat simply, so I'm taking inspiration from you, thanks. And yes the Mock Turkey (I'm still not calling it Murkey! ;-) haha) is lovely and will be made here regularly. The grated apple in it gives it a lovely sweetness.

    1. I think that this is just what people would have done back in the day, as long as they could afford to buy the item that they didn't really need. Thanks for the review of the Mock Turkey ... okay I will stop calling it Murkey ... haha! ;-)

  2. There looks to be the makings of some yummy meals there ,have you tried the oatmeal sausages from the victory cook book, I made them using vegan sausages but flattened them so they cooked more quickly ( sort of escalopes ) they were good warm in a sandwich too. Haven't tried the no chicken kievs, I think I might like them ,lets face it, I just like food :)

    1. No I haven't, I had a look through both my Victory books and can't find the recipe. :-( They do sound good though, so I'll have another flick through later.

      Liking food is good in my opinion, gosh it's demonised so much these days isn't it. Just liking food in general is brilliant in my book. These Aldi Kyivs are some of the best I have found, with M&S ones being a close second place.

  3. Looks like you are all set for the new month!

    1. It's a good feeling to have a nice new month of points and monthly rations shopping to go alongside the weekly things. I bet it's going to feel like a fresh start EVERY month for me. :-)

  4. This 'neighbour' will be delighted to let you have a jar of mayonnaise. Now that nearly all of them are made with Rapeseed oil instead of Sunflower I cannot eat it anymore 😩

    1. Yes they are aren't they, I've just checked the two I have open at the moment, the one pictured the other day from Aldi and a posh one from Stokes (bought at Booths) and they are both made with rapeseed oil. I hadn't noticed this. Do you make your own then, it's so easy to do isn't it.


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